Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

George and Grey Insurance Limited endeavour to provide you with the best possible experience when using our products and services, but we all know things can go wrong and when they do we want to know about it so that we can resolve your complaint as efficiently as possible.

In the event that you need to make us aware of an issue please complete the following form.

Your complaint will be acknowledged by email and in that communication we will set out our resolution milestones.

We will keep you informed as the assessment and investigation process proceeds with a final response being made no later than eight weeks after we acknowledged your complaint. In complex cases we may request additional time to resolve matters. If this is necessary we will inform you of this within the eight week cycle.

Our Regulator

If you are still not satisfied with the outcome you can contact the regulator, the GFSC, by following their procedure set out below.

Contact: GFSC - How to Make a Complaint

  1. Where you have a complaint against a regulated financial services business, report it FIRST to the business.
  2. Include as much information and evidence as possible to support the complaint.
  3. If you are still not satisfied inform the Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman Commission who is able to adjudicate in complaints for acts or omissions by certain types of financial services providers that occurred on or after 2 July 2013.
  4. Alternatively, you could consider contacting the Citizens Advice Guernsey, the Mediation service, or contacting a Guernsey advocate.
  5. You could also consider informing the Commission, who can only get involved to the extent of whether a licensee has breached their regulatory requirements - it does not include disputes of a contractual nature.

What should I do if I am unsatisfied with the outcome?

If following this you remain unsatisfied with the financial services business's action or non-action, you may decide to refer it on to the Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman. There is no cost to you for using this service.

Who else can I contact?

If you have an unresolved complaint that has already been raised with your financial services provider and your complaint is outside the scope of the Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman, you may consider contacting the Bailiwick's mediation group.